At the con I had a couple of co-workers whose booths I loitered at such as what you see in the scene below of Nick and I at the fabulous NateB's table.
In case you are wondering, I'm the one in the middle.
Last year I missed out on an opportunity to meet one of my living art hero's Bruce Timm so I went down determined to remedy that this year. And.... I had zero luck!
The man is difficult to track down. ( I'll give you the Coles Notes version as this whole saga took all day to unfold) I got to see him from 4 ft out and I talked to his assistant but still no Bruce Timm. I had wanted to get a con sketch from him but I was SOL about 5 minutes after he showed up ( He's a very popular Artist). Lucky for me I have an insider. Nate was kind enough to sign up for me first thing on Sunday morning and now at long last, I have my very own Bruce Timm Conan sketch! Woot Woot!
Feast your eyes on this beauty! It will be framed and hold aplace of honor on my wall.

So, after all that eyes candy and creative energy, this was the best that I could come up with in my sketch book. Lots of head sketches.

