For myself personally, I had an opportunity to meet ( albeit briefly) a personal Art Hero of min IAIN McCAIG! Wow what a great guy! He is every bit as sincere in real life as he is in his interviews and DVD's. I had attempted to meet him twice before but on both occasions he was backed up with lines of his fans and i was amazed to see him take the time to speak with each and every one of them and ask them questions about their show or the costumes or their art. He was doing sketches for people and he certainly wen above and beyond for them too. Most of the Guys I saw hacking out drawings at the show would do a quick torso or hero pose and then charge you an arm and a leg. I saw him complete full pencil illustrations for guys and he was not gouging fans either! So anyways, I had a booth to run and I could not keep leaving Nick alone so I basically had given up the hope of meeting him. The show ended and Nick and I had packed up and disassembled the booth when on the way out I spotted Iain McCaig was still at his table talking to fans and being a friendly guy. ( most of the guests had taken off at about 3pm and he was still there at 5:45!) So, i took my opportunity and he was gracious enough to chat with me for a few minutes. He Said that he would be coming to the show again next year and that he would be doing a demo over at ACAD sometime this year so who knows. Next time I'll try to talk to him a Little further but WOW, what a great guy and I'm very glad that i got to meet him.
I brought in one of my Gnomon DVD's that he had produced for him to sing and here she is... VOILA!

No this DVD is NOT for sale.